Mathematics and Physics

Число категорий: 10

Mathematics and Physics Section 

The Mathematics and Physics section of the Eurasian Science Review is dedicated to presenting groundbreaking research and developments in the fields of Mathematics and Physics. This section aims to showcase the latest advancements and explorations in these fundamental sciences, providing a platform for intellectual exchange and discovery.


  • Pure Mathematics: Focuses on the core areas of mathematical theory, including algebra, geometry, number theory, and topology. This sub-section seeks to explore the abstract concepts and structures that form the foundation of mathematics.
  • Applied Mathematics: Deals with the application of mathematical methods to various fields such as engineering, economics, and biology. It emphasizes the practical use of mathematics in solving real-world problems.
  • Computational Mathematics: Concentrates on the development and application of numerical algorithms, computational techniques, and the use of computers for mathematical problem-solving.
  • Mathematical Physics: Explores the interplay between mathematics and physics, particularly in the development of theoretical frameworks that describe physical phenomena.


  • Theoretical Physics: Delves into developing and refining theoretical models to explain the fundamental aspects of the natural world, including quantum mechanics, relativity, and string theory.
  • Experimental Physics: Focuses on the design and execution of experiments to test theories and discover new properties of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces of nature.
  • Applied Physics: Applies the concepts and techniques of physics to practical problems in other sciences and technological advancements.
  • Astrophysics and Cosmology: Studies the physics of the universe, including the properties of celestial objects and the overall structure and evolution of the cosmos.

This section is committed to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in Mathematics and Physics. We invite researchers and scholars to contribute their latest findings and theoretical advancements. Submissions are expected to be of high scholarly merit, rigorously researched, and contribute significantly to their respective fields. The Mathematics and Physics section is a testament to our journal's dedication to promoting scientific inquiry and discovery across the spectrum of the natural sciences.

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