Methods and Techniques of forming the perceptions and motivation of English teachers


  • Markabatkyzy Nuray Master’s student, Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • Seitova Meruyert Yergeshkhozhayevna PhD, assistant professor at Foreign Languages Teaching Department,Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkistan, Kazakhstan



English teachers, perception, motivation, methods, techniques


The article explores the dynamic methodologies and strategies used to shape perceptions and enhance motivation among English teachers. Recognizing the crucial role educators play in language acquisition and proficiency, it provides a comprehensive review of innovative methods designed to invigorate and empower these teachers. The study incorporates interdisciplinary perspectives from psychology, pedagogy, and cognitive sciences to examine approaches like positive reinforcement, professional development programs, peer collaboration, and technology integration. It also assesses the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors on teacher efficacy and classroom dynamics. By integrating empirical research and best practices, the article offers valuable insights for educational stakeholders aiming to create a vibrant and engaging learning environment for teachers and students alike.


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How to Cite

Markabatkyzy, N., & Seitova, M. (2024). Methods and Techniques of forming the perceptions and motivation of English teachers. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(5), 49–59.