The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Biology in Schools
Artificial intelligence, virtual laboratory, inclusion, automated.Abstract
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the modern education system offers significant opportunities to enhance teaching quality and transform the educational process. In teaching biology, AI technologies play a crucial role in developing functional literacy through the use of personalized interactive tools and data analysis.The primary advantage of AI is its fairness, treating all individuals' abilities equally. Its second key feature is inclusion, ensuring accessibility for everyone, regardless of English proficiency. The third benefit is its specialized capabilities.This article discusses the role and effectiveness of AI-based 3D modeling and visualization tools, automated assessment systems, educational platforms, virtual laboratories and simulations, access to informational resources, and interactive educational applications in teaching biology. It also examines the potential applications and advantages of AI tools in biology education. By leveraging AI tools, students' engagement and academic outcomes can be improved, while teachers are supported in implementing effective teaching methods. AI technologies enhance the educational process, improve students' learning outcomes, and allow for a more personalized learning experience.
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