New Dimensions for Teachers: AR-VR & AI
digitalization, artificial intelligence, neural networks, AR/VR technologies, 3D objects, virtual reality, augmented reality, Merge CubeAbstract
This article examines global trends in education and the importance of applying innovative information technologies. It analyzes ways to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into the educational process, considering each student's individual learning style and abilities. Among AI tools, technologies for working with text, video, and presentations, as well as those designed to personalize the learning process, are highlighted. The use of AR/VR technologies is presented as an effective solution to enhance students' interest in subjects, particularly in small schools without laboratory facilities. The article describes methodologies proposed for teachers based on state programs adopted in Kazakhstan for the development of artificial intelligence, as well as foreign and domestic experiences. Practical applications and outcomes are demonstrated, including examples using platforms like Merge Cube. The discussion focuses on improving the quality of education through the digitalization of the learning process, enhancing students' memory, and simplifying teachers' work.In conclusion, the article emphasizes that teachers must elevate the educational process to a new level by leveraging modern technologies and the capabilities of artificial intelligence.
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