music teacher, potential, creativity, activity, creative potentialAbstract
In modern educational realities the relevance of this research is conditioned by objective factors: the increased creativity role and significance in cognition of the world, in concentration of attention to the development of a comprehensively developed personality, realized in a creative environment. Today, the professional training of future music teachers involves the use of various modern pedagogical methods, techniques, as well as technologies, or their elements that contribute to the development of creative potential of students. The aim of the problem under study is to study the content of the modern educational process, in this case music-pedagogical education, aimed at improving the quality of knowledge obtained by students, ensuring their creative, personal development of a competitive specialist - future music teacher. It follows that modern society needs such a creative personality of a music teacher, who is able to plan future actions to achieve goals, who understands the high value of education and training, with developed creative thinking, personal potential and abilities to independent music-cognitive activity
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