Creative thinking, independent cognitive activity, exciting lessons, situation of success, critical thinking, development of personalityAbstract
School has always been a sensitive barometer, reflecting the atmosphere and mood in society, and recently a lot has changed in education. The main task of a modern school is to educate a highly moral, creatively thinking individual. The formation and development of such an individual occurs in the process of mastering the basic laws of cognitive and practical activity. One of the famous philosophers once noted that education is what remains in the student's mind when what has been learned is forgotten. The student must retain in his head the creative skills necessary for independent cognitive and practical activity. How can this be achieved? I think that today there is no teacher who would not think about the questions: "How to make a lesson interesting? How to captivate children with your subject? How to create a situation of success for each student in the lesson?" What teacher does not dream of the children in his lesson working voluntarily and creatively?
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