Creating Texts in Humanities Lessons




Education, personal development, individual abilities, creative writing, essay, Russian language, literary education, personal responsibility, Action Research, analytical thinking, pedagogical strategies


Modern education should provide students with the opportunity to freely develop their individual inclinations, try different learning methods, and apply them in life. Education should be focused on revealing the personal abilities of each student, and the key task of the teacher is to foster personal responsibility for their educational process. One of the effective methods of implementing this approach in Russian language and literature lessons is creative writing (essays). The ability to analyze different points of view, build logical arguments, and form one’s own understanding contributes to the assimilation of fundamental knowledge that students can apply in real life. In this process, the Action Research method plays a significant role, allowing the teacher to develop tools for fostering independent creative writing in students.


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How to Cite

Zhakieva, B., & Aytkulova, A. (2025). Creating Texts in Humanities Lessons. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 2322–2334.