The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education.


  • Tusupova Nurgaisha Abylkhaevna Department of Education of the Abai Region, Semey City Education Division, "№39 General Secondary School named after Alikhan Bokeikhan," KSU, English Teacher, Pedagogue-Researcher.



artificial intelligence, machine learning, browser-based applications, TensorFlow.js, predictive model


Artificial intelligence and machine learning play a significant role in human life, opening vast opportunities for future research in software development. This study examines the history and trends of AI and machine learning development. It analyzes key algorithms, principles, and challenges in machine learning, focusing on browser-based machine learning using TensorFlow.js. The research resulted in the creation of a predictive model for housing price estimation, with initial data thoroughly analyzed. The study highlights the advantages of browser-based machine learning, such as low energy consumption, universal accessibility, and data security, proving its potential for future trends in information technology development.


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How to Cite

Tusupova, N. (2025). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 1601–1610.