Using Digital Educational Resources in the Learning Process


  • Kozzhanova Guldana Salmakhanovna Aqai Village, Karmakshy District, Kyzylorda Region, No. 279 School-Lyceum Named After Eleu Kosherbayev, State Municipal Institution, Department of Education for Karmakshy District, Kyzylorda Regional Education Administration.



future primary school teachers, flexible skills, development pathways, digital transformation, education


The article is dedicated to showcasing ways to develop future primary education teachers in the context of the digital transformation of education. It analyzes research by domestic and international scholars on the development of future professionals. The article proposes the following classification of skills: communication abilities, creativity, analytical thinking, critical thinking, adaptability, reasoning and decision-making, self-regulation, planning, research skills, and proficiency in working within the digital environment, including the internet. To identify pathways for developing future primary education teachers, the article presents the content and results of a survey conducted among master's students enrolled in the "7M01301 - Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education" program.


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How to Cite

Kozzhanova, G. (2025). Using Digital Educational Resources in the Learning Process. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 2799–2810.