Abay Studies, Society, spiritual values, education, Time, Full man, Nation.Abstract
To date, the science of Abay has been studied in different ways. It is clear that the noble heritage of Abai does not lose its value, no matter how many centuries have passed. In the course of studying the world of Abai, his works, which were discussed, reflected in the mind, are revealed in a new light and show an unnoticed bias. He puts his own expression in different times and speaks in a new way. In the XXI century, which has developed in the language of today, significant works of the last century are a clear source of a new direction, a new prize, a resource. Abai's knowledge, which was a continuation of the sciences about human creation and worldview, which originated with Plato, Aristotle, Al-Farabi, became a symbol of history, a mental relief of the nation. Abai's works, which opened the source of inexhaustible moral teachings for mankind, are the theory of absolute morality. The main core of Abai's works is justice, truth, humanity. He is also viable for that.
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