Anglicisms in the Works of Scientists of Kazakhstan
speech, speech culture, language culture, jargon, slang, social network.Abstract
The article talks about the culture of language and the culture of speech, and the study of anglicisms in the works of Kazakhstani scientists is considered. Language is a means of communication, a mirror reflecting a person’s way of thinking, cultural status, intelligence, and spiritual wealth. The relevance of linguistic culture has always been taken into account, and not a single nation has avoided this issue. The Kazakh people also attached great importance to the ability to speak, saying that “art is a language.” Currently, the cultural diversity of the language in the country has increased. The future of the language of the Kazakh people lies with modern youth, and in this article we will analyze the current state of language use by these youth. The task of our work is to determine the method of formation and features of the use of introduced words that came into the Kazakh language from the English language. The role of language in culture and the influence of culture on the formation of language are becoming increasingly relevant and are widely considered in modern linguistics and linguoculturology. Among languages with a thousand-year history, there is no doubt that Kazakh-English cultural ties have left their mark on the vocabulary of these languages.
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