The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Primary School.
artificial intelligence, primary school management, student motivation, classroom discipline, personalized learning paths, educational process improvementAbstract
This article considers the role of artificial intelligence in primary school management and increasing student motivation. The effective use of artificial intelligence tools in aspects such as maintaining classroom discipline, motivating students, creating individual learning paths, and creating a positive environment is discussed. The positive impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the educational process is explained through specific examples for teachers. The article shows how artificial intelligence can improve the learning experience of primary school students and ensure their active participation in the learning process.The rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of education allows us to raise the learning process to a new level. The use of artificial intelligence tools in modern education allows us to improve the educational process, increase student motivation, and simplify classroom management.Classroom management is a set of actions and strategies that a teacher uses to organize and control the learning and disciplinary processes in the classroom. This concept includes several important aspects:Lesson planning and implementation: Teachers must create lesson plans and organize classroom time to effectively implement them. This ensures that learning goals are achieved.
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