


Social Pedagogy, Professional Competence, Art technologies, Education innovation, Pedagogical methodologies


The evolution of pedagogy necessitates a robust foundation in professional competence for future social pedagogues. This article explores the transformative potential of integrating art technologies to enhance the expertise and capabilities of aspiring social pedagogues. By examining theoretical frameworks and practical applications, this study delineates the profound impact of art-based methodologies on shaping multifaceted skills crucial for the contemporary role of social pedagogues. The analysis encompasses innovative approaches, empirical insights, and recommendations aimed at harnessing the full potential of art technologies in molding adept and responsive social pedagogical practitioners. In contemporary educational contexts, the multifaceted responsibilities of social pedagogues demand a holistic skill set encompassing empathy, critical thinking, communication, and creativity. Literature reveals the pivotal role of art technologies—encompassing visual arts, music, drama, and digital platforms—in developing these essential competencies. It underscores the transformative potential of arts-based methodologies in nurturing empathy, enhancing communication skills, fostering creativity, and fostering a holistic understanding of diverse societal challenges among aspiring social pedagogues. Advocating for the integration of art technologies in educational curricula, this article emphasizes their pivotal role in nurturing professional competence among future social pedagogues. Leveraging art-based methodologies is proposed as a fundamental approach to cultivating socially responsive and adept pedagogical practitioners for the evolving educational landscape.

Author Biography

Yrysgul OHANOVA, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


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How to Cite

OHANOVA, Y. (2023). DEVELOPING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SOCIAL PEDAGOGUES THROUGH ART TECHNOLOGIES. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(1), 27–36.



Research articles
