Using artificial intelligence in English language lessons enhances teaching efficiency.
English, methods, interactive learning, game technologies, digital resourcesAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of IELTS methods and modern technologies frequently used in English lessons. The use of innovative approaches in the educational process increases the effectiveness of students' language learning. Interactive methods play a special role in teaching English. Among them, game technologies, role-playing games, multimedia tools and group work methods play an important role in increasing students' activity. There is also an opportunity to improve students' listening, speaking, writing and reading skills through the use of modern digital resources, for example, online platforms and mobile applications. Frequently used methods and tools in English lessons are aimed at improving students' language proficiency. The English subject is not limited only to increasing vocabulary, but also pays special attention to the development of intercultural communication. In order to conduct this lesson effectively, teachers use innovative technologies along with traditional teaching methods. In this regard, one of the most frequently used methods and techniques in English lessons is language games and dialogues, exercises for developing listening and pronunciation skills. They help improve students' practical skills. Also, visualization methods, such as pictures and diagrams, when explaining grammatical structures, help students easily master the material. In order to cover all aspects of the language in English lessons, it is necessary to develop listening, pronunciation, reading and writing skills together. For this purpose, it is important to conduct various listening exercises in lessons. This will allow students to understand specific texts and dialogues in English.
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