Developing students' critical thinking skills through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Kazakh language lessons
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Kazakh language lesson, Critical thinking, Educational technologiesAbstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) introduces new opportunities and approaches in education, making the learning process more efficient and interactive for students. This article explores the potential applications of AI technologies in Kazakh language lessons and their impact on developing critical thinking skills. The methods of providing feedback to students through AI-based systems are analyzed, highlighting the role of these technologies in enhancing the quality of education through automated text and task processing. AI systems can review students' assignments, identify errors, and provide specific recommendations for corrections. Additionally, AI tools identify students' weaknesses and help improve their knowledge through personalized approaches. This makes the learning process faster and more precise, fostering students' motivation and enabling them to learn from their mistakes promptly.The article comprehensively examines the role and capabilities of AI in education, as well as approaches aimed at developing critical thinking skills. Methods for providing timely feedback to students and strategies for enhancing their learning outcomes are proposed. These innovations ensure a more dynamic and personalized educational experience, helping students achieve better results and deeper understanding.
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