Pedagogical principles of the Alash lions and the current education system
Alash movement, pedagogical principles, national identity, critical thinkingAbstract
This article explores the pedagogical principles of the Alash leaders and their relevance to the modern education system. The Alash movement, a significant socio-political phenomenon in Kazakhstan's history, emphasized the importance of national identity, education, and intellectual development. Their educational philosophy focused on cultivating critical thinking, civic responsibility, and ethical values in students, which remains relevant in today's rapidly changing world. This research analyzes the core educational concepts advocated by Alash leaders, including inclusivity, respect for cultural heritage, and the development of independent thinking. The study highlights the alignment between these principles and modern educational strategies such as student-centered learning, competence-based education, and lifelong learning approaches. Practical recommendations are offered for integrating Alash pedagogical principles into contemporary curricula to foster a stronger sense of national identity and critical thinking skills among students. Additionally, the challenges of adapting historical educational principles to the modern context, such as balancing traditional values with global standards, are examined. The findings emphasize that drawing upon the Alash movement's educational legacy can provide a meaningful foundation for enhancing the quality and relevance of Kazakhstan's education system in the 21st century.
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