Developing Students' Critical Thinking Skills through AI: Practical Recommendations and Methods.
Artificial intelligence, critical thinking, education, AI tools, ChatGPTAbstract
### Abstract:
This article explores the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in developing students' critical thinking skills. In modern education, critical thinking is a fundamental competency, and the integration of AI tools offers new opportunities to enhance this skill effectively. The study examines practical methods and approaches for using AI technologies, such as ChatGPT and other AI-based platforms, to foster students' analytical and evaluative abilities. Specific focus is placed on the role of AI in encouraging problem-solving, independent decision-making, and evidence-based reasoning. The article also addresses key challenges, including ethical considerations, data privacy, and the balance between AI support and human intervention in the learning process. Drawing on practical experience, the research presents systematic strategies for incorporating AI tools into the educational process to create engaging, interactive learning environments that stimulate critical thinking. The findings indicate that leveraging AI technologies can significantly enhance students’ ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information in various academic contexts. This study provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers seeking to implement innovative teaching practices that align with 21st-century learning needs.
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