The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Developing Functional Literacy


  • Zheksenbiyeva Nazgul Sagatovna Research Teacher, History Teacher at the "Boleksaz Secondary School with a Preschool Center" State Municipal Institution, Kegen District, Almaty Region.



Enhancing digital literacy, teaching programming basics, safe internet usage skills, using AI technologies in education


In today's world, artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing significant changes to education. Functional literacy is the ability of a learner to effectively apply acquired knowledge in real-life situations. AI tools offer numerous opportunities in this area.This article examines the main capabilities of artificial intelligence in developing functional literacy. AI technologies facilitate personalized learning, adaptation of educational content, and provision of tailored tools based on students’ needs. AI-based platforms play a crucial role in testing, providing feedback, analyzing learning achievements, and improving teaching methodologies.The article also discusses methods for developing communication skills, creative thinking, problem-solving, and critical evaluation of information through AI. The potential of AI is not only essential for students but also for teachers, as it supports professional development, resource management, and enhances the efficiency of the teaching process.In conclusion, the article highlights the unique role of artificial intelligence in developing functional literacy and its potential to elevate the education sector to a new level in the future.


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How to Cite

Zheksenbiyeva, N. (2025). The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Developing Functional Literacy. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 2319–2330.