Artificial Intelligence in History Lessons: Pedagogical Opportunities and Advantages
Artificial intelligence, history, education, pedagogical opportunities, learning processAbstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers significant opportunities for application in education, particularly in history lessons. AI technologies make the learning process more efficient and engaging, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of historical material. Capabilities such as providing personalized learning programs, analyzing historical data, and automated assessment elevate the teaching of history to a new level. Additionally, tools like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) enable the interactive presentation of historical events, allowing students to experience the past in a practical and immersive way.However, the use of AI technologies in history lessons also brings several challenges and risks. Issues such as the quality and accuracy of data, teachers’ lack of preparedness to use AI tools, and insufficient technical infrastructure can limit the effectiveness of these innovations. To ensure proper education, teachers must undergo specialized training to use AI systems effectively.Artificial intelligence opens new opportunities for teaching history, increasing student engagement, and enhancing the learning process. However, its effective application requires adequate preparation and infrastructural support.
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