Military leadership activity and historical spiritual heritage of Baurzhan Momyshuly
Military commander, Baurzhan Momyshuly, tactician, patriotism, conscious generation, national education, warAbstract
Information about the military service of the famous commander Baurzhan Momyshuly, who was distinguished by his war tactics and strategy during the Second World War, is studied. The first military training school started in the Far East, and with the theoretical knowledge accumulated on the battlefield in the first years of the war, he mastered the skill of organizing various military tactics and combat methods. Baurzhan Momyshuly's in-depth knowledge of military science is comprehensively analyzed in the work "Psychology of War". With his skills in the military field, he rose from a private soldier to a division commander, graduated from the Voroshilov Academy and the Higher Military Academy under the General Staff of the Soviet Army, and became a senior military specialist. He was a highly educated military man, sharing his experience with generals and reservist officers in Cuban military schools with the title of professor at the Military Academy on the training of soldiers, combat experience and war tactics. Analyzing the significance of his "Bauyrzhan spiral" tactics, his thinking in the military field, the ways of raising the reality of the front to the peak of military literature through his works of art led him to lay the foundations of the military literature of the Turkic peoples. Analyzing data from Baurzhan Momyshuly's personal archive, his military service and his role as the founder of "military literature" are evaluated. At the same time, the importance of lectures on military topics is analyzed
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