Handwriting, skills, motor skills, logic, visual, elegantAbstract
Beautiful handwriting in a child - many parents dream However, in fact, a beautiful and competent sentence there are few children. Certain systems for developing this skill, methods and rules will help. Developed motor skills, logic and visual memory
you can write letters beautifully and confidently only with With effort, you can make any handwriting elegant you can spin and everyone can do it. In educational work, students express their thoughts orally, teaching to express in writing is one of the goals
one. At the same time, teaching to write competently should be separated from reading cannot be viewed. Literate writing skills from the alphabet stage is formed. If so: Effective tasks for competent writing in the 1st grade with my own experience in the new trend called organizing please share. 1st grade students name, movement, and criticism of objects "Whistle" during learning words students' knowledge can be determined by dictation. The teacher selects a text according to the topic in front of him. When it comes to the words that express the number of things from the same text whistles, and students write numbers instead of whistles. This where each student can write a different number. To the text content Any matching answer is accepted.
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