Reading literacy, technique, prediction, rational and lightAbstract
Study technique for formation of reading literacy begins with mastery. If a child reads in syllables, he has read it is difficult to understand the text. I develop reading skills I would like to offer some exercises for children ways to build expectations. Foreknowledge is foreknowledge. This ability of the brain, it helps us to read all the words and allows not to read letters at all. Prediction can be developed, it makes learning free, conscious and easy. I want to start my work with a research question.
Reading comprehension of 1st grade students in the subject of their mother tongue How do I develop my skills? I got the question. 2- In the term of the alphabet, students complete the letters mastered it. Text to students at the end of term 3
in the course of performing the reading comprehension task, students that most cannot answer simple questions
I noticed. That is, students cannot read the text with understanding. Why? The student cannot understand the text. Because the student is very If you read simply, slowly, word by word, sentence by sentence can not connect, in the end the whole of the text
does not understand the content. So here it is first for my students to understand and read, reading speed I took it upon myself to increase. How to read speed can increase
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