Formation of Students' Functional Literacy in Biology Lessons




Educational technologies, Innovative teaching, Digital resources, Information and communication technologies, Distance learning, Artificial intelligence


The force that will lead humanity forward and contribute to a brighter future is found only in education. Nowadays, the education system is changing. An important competence of the student's personality is the ability to learn, so modern schools must work towards shaping a creative individual who can independently solve various problems, think critically, use any information, enhance their knowledge, and protect it. A person's belief, self-development, and ability to apply knowledge in practice, meaning using theoretical knowledge in everyday life, are directed towards developing functional literacy. It is noticeable that modern students do not have the ability to apply knowledge in practice or use various information effectively. A modern teacher must foster the skills and abilities of students to apply their knowledge in practice. In the educational process, the goal is not just to give knowledge, but to motivate students to acquire it, considering the opportunity to succeed through problem-based learning.


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How to Cite

Kaldasbekova, A. (2025). Formation of Students’ Functional Literacy in Biology Lessons. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 2418–2430.