


English language, Learning, data analysis, bilingualism, benefits, drawbacks, language acquisition, cognitive skills


This paper offers a comprehensive exploration of English language learning, blending theoretical frameworks with survey data analysis. Spanning diverse age groups and backgrounds, the study unravels the intricate dynamics of bilingualism, emphasizing the interplay between language, culture, and identity. Demographic insights reveal a predominantly female and bilingual cohort, while language dominance perceptions, motivations for bilingualism, and the impact on life underscore the complexity of language acquisition. Challenges in language skills, cultural context, and motivation provide nuanced perspectives. The study contributes a valuable resource for educators and policymakers, fostering a deeper understanding of bilingualism's diverse dimensions in West Kazakhstan.

Author Biographies

Nurzharkyn SAMIGOLLA, MA in Education, a senior lecturer, WKITU

MA in Education, a senior lecturer, WKITU, Kazakhstan

Banu ABDRAIMOVA, PhD 3rd year student, KazUIRandWL

PhD 3rd year student, KazUIRandWL, Kazakhstan,

Aruzhan ABDIROVA, Master’s 1st-year student, WKITU

Master’s 1st-year student, WKITU, Kazakhstan,


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How to Cite

Samigolla, N., ABDRAIMOVA, B., & ABDIROVA, A. (2023). NAVIGATING BILINGUALISM EXPLORATION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING THROUGH SURVEY DATA ANALYSIS . Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(1), 17–27.