linguoaxiology, value category, language and culture, language system, moral assessment, aesthetic values, metaphor, phraseologyAbstract
This scientific article discusses one of the most relevant concepts of linguoaxiology — the essence of the value category and its place in the language system. Linguoaxiology, as a field that studies the relationship between language and culture, allows us to understand how values, moral and aesthetic assessments in language are represented. The article analyzes how the category of value is formed by language, its features in various social and cultural contexts. The unity of language and thinking systems, manifestations of social ideologies and national consciousness in language are also considered within the framework of this topic. In addition, in the course of studying the transmission of value through language, issues are touched upon how words and phraseology, metaphors and stable expressions reflect linguistic values, their influence on the formation of the National worldview and culture. The article presents current research and theoretical conclusions of the field of linguoaxiology and focuses on the role of language in the preservation and transmission of social and cultural values.
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