
  • Yermekova Moldir Altynbekkyzy 2 st year doctoral student in educational program 8D01103 «Pedagogy and psychology», Eurasian National University, Yanushkevich Street, 6, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Sholpankulova Gulnar Kenesbekovna Associate Professor, Departament of Pedagogy, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Yanushkevich Street, 6, Аstana, Kazakhstan.



digital competence, digital literacy, teachers, schoolchildren, teenagers, parents, Internet


The article examines the psychological structure of digital competence in future educators within the educational context. It reviews researchers' approaches to defining digital competence, and, considering professional priorities, identifies an optimal list of components for digital competence: safety, responsibility, and information management. The purpose of the study is to investigate the development levels of the structural components of digital competence. The object of the study is the ability to work with information. The research is conducted at the Q. Zhubanov Higher College. The research methods include indicators of digital competence usage on the internet among educators, parents, and adolescents. The ability to work with information is identified as a basic structural component of digital competence in education for future educators. Its development level is determined by a set of indicators for attention development (concentration, flexibility, stability, cognitive flexibility, and the ability to analyze and process information).


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How to Cite

Yermekova, M., & Sholpankulova, G. (2024). DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE TEACHER IN EDUCATION. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(3).