Exploring the Cognitive-Semantic Dimensions of Gender-Specific Idioms.
Gender Idioms, Cognitive-Semantic Nature, Concept, Gender StudiesAbstract
Presently, anthropocentric research is undergoing rapid advancement, a trend underpinned by the substantial role that human-centric studies occupy within the scientific discourse. This article delves into the genesis and framework of gender linguistics, examining the coalescence of gender alongside the male and female paradigms, as well as the socio-cultural characteristics and methodologies inherent in gender research. The discourse extends to elucidate methodologies for fostering a gender-focused approach, encompassing areas such as comparative and contrastive gender linguistics, gender paralinguistics, gender lexicography, and the interplay between gender dynamics and language acquisition. Methodologically, the study leverages approaches like descriptive analysis, lexicon definition scrutiny, gender-centric analysis, conceptual examination, and comparative-contrastive techniques. The research scrutinizes phraseologies pertinent to 'male' and 'female', undertaking a thorough gender and conceptual analysis, with a special focus on the cognitive-semantic exploration of gender idioms. The foundational elements of this article are anchored in the scholarly works of both national and international academics pertinent to the subject, encompassing gender terminologies, social linguistics lexicons, phraseological dictionaries, literary sources, and mass media content.
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