Poems on Anti-Colonial Sentiments in the "Aikap" Magazine
Aikap, political and social issues, reflections on literary and cultural matters, the condition of the nation, grievances and sorrows, anti-colonial poemsAbstract
The "Aikap" magazine holds a special place in the history of Kazakh press. This article highlights the significance of the "Aikap" magazine in addressing complex and pressing issues about safeguarding the nation from the colonial grip of the Tsarist regime. Published between 1911 and 1915, the magazine served as a platform where the Alash intellectuals expressed their reflections on the transition of Kazakhs towards a sedentary lifestyle, often filled with regret. On one hand, the nomadic Kazakh traditions were promoted, while on the other, the tyranny and exploitation of settlers were vividly described. Additionally, this article analyzes the hidden meanings behind the publications in "Aikap," shedding light on their underlying messages. The analysis delves into the deeper meanings and purposes of the poems published in the magazine, exploring the nuances in the works of each author.
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