Inclusive Education: Innovation. Experience. Formation


  • Mamaeva Akmonshak Serikovna Acting Director of the "Educational and Methodological Center" under the Department of Education of Mangystau Region.
  • Erkimbayeva Aigerim Marsovna Methodologist of the "Partnership and Skills" Department at the "Educational and Methodological Center" under the Department of Education of Mangystau Region.



Inclusive education, innovation, practice, special educational needs


This article discusses the innovative aspects, practical applications, and the process of forming inclusive education. Inclusive education is considered one of the key directions in the education system, aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and addressing the needs of every student. The article introduces new approaches to teaching children with special educational needs through the use of innovative methods and technologies. Additionally, it examines the challenges encountered in implementing inclusive education and suggests ways to address them. The study provides practical recommendations aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Mamaeva, A., & Erkimbayeva, A. (2025). Inclusive Education: Innovation. Experience. Formation. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 2139–2150 .