A comparative analysis of Kazakh-English toponyms from linguistic and cultural perspectives is explored in this study.
Toponym, language, culture, comparison, analysisAbstract
Kazakh-english toponymic space has been stated many centuries in a rather complex historical, cultural and linguistic sphere. In general,toponymy is one of the most essential areas of Kazakh and English linguistics and onomastics, continues to attract the attention of scholars, as evidenced by the large number of publications dedicated to various aspects of its study. This article analyzes the lexico-semantic features and grouping of Kazakh and English toponyms. The facets of toponymic names in the Kazakh and English languages are also discussed and it is shown that the lexical-semantic grouping plays an pivotal role in revealing the meaning of toponyms. The purpose of the study is to compare toponymic names in English and Kazakh languages and group them according to lexical and semantic characteristics. As a result, it was determined that English place names are more figurative, while Kazakh place names represent real facts, persons, etc. In addition, it has been determined that both languages have many similarities in the semantic area. In the course of the study were used , explanatory research, classification, structural word-formational analysis, and etymological analysis. .The study of Kazakh and English toponymic names do not only expands theoretical knowledge in this field, but also contributes to the deepening of knowledge about cultural exchange and development, national values of the two countries, as well as a comprehensive understanding of toponymic sphere.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Karaeva Balnur Zhanabaikyzy, Ercan Alkaya , Akylbek Meirbekov

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