Importance of using new technologies in primary school
Teaching methods, modern information technologies, educational process, pronunciation, linguistics, Kazakh language lesson, practice, language teaching methodsAbstract
The article considers the importance and effectiveness of using information technologies in primary school education. The use of information technologies in the modern education system is recognized as an important tool for increasing students' enthusiasm for the learning process and improving the quality of education. Information technologies not only increase the cognitive activity of students, but also contribute to the development of their creative and logical thinking abilities. The article analyzes the results of surveys and practical lessons conducted among primary school teachers and students. The results of the survey show that teachers, by using information technologies, facilitate students' learning of learning materials, as well as increase their interest in the learning process. During the practical lessons, it was noticed that the learning progress and cognitive activity of the students increased significantly. In addition, the use of information technologies allows teachers to modernize teaching methods and take into account the individual characteristics of students. The article concludes that the use of information technologies increases the efficiency of the educational process and contributes to the improvement of students' academic performance.
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