built-in lesson, primary school, education, modern technologies, complex skills, creative thinking, efficiencyAbstract
Integrated lesson in elementary school-Modern training that actively uses technologies an important innovation in the process. This teaching method involves several subjects or combine the topic in one CLA E and let the tudent forms a deeper and more complete understanding of the material. At the moment, information i available and changing rapidly modern use of built-in lessons when lying down the use in conjunction with technologies is becoming especially relevant. One of the main objective of thi article I to built-in in the conditions of modern technologies it is an analysis of the importance of classes. This is the method allows students to master knowledge in various subjects not only help, but also their analytical, critical thinking and problem solving develops abilities.Built-in lessons the advantage is obvious. They allow students to learn a variety of "I don't know," he said. promotes deeper knowledge. In addition, this approach makes reading interesting and engaging, which in turn students are actively involved in the development of new material on their own encourages learning.
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