color, color associations, color symbolism, synesthesia, color music,, synthesis of arts, musical works, intervals, musicians, artistsAbstract
The scientific article examines the relationship between music and color. Color as a physical phenomenon capable of causing
certain psycho-emotional states of a person. The purpose of the scientific article is to reveal the impact of color on the emotional sphere of a person. Particular attention is focused on revealing the ideological concept of an artistic or musical work through the color system. The formation of color associations and parallels in both painting and music is studied. Synesthesia is considered as color hearing, characteristic of both musicians and artists. The works of composers, psychologists, artists, and teachers are noted.
The analysis and examples of musical works in color sensations of sound among both musicians and artists are carried out. Scientific and practical significance, relevance are determined by the innovative nature, associated with the synthesis of arts in the context of using color as a means of expressing the emotional state of a person. A conclusion is made about the synthesis of arts as a powerful means of expressing an ideological concept in the process of creating a pictorial and musical work, about the importance of integrative teaching of fine arts and music.
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