National Games, pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, education, personalityAbstract
Kazakhs are ancient with the development of our country culture, national games, dances, art, literature is being revived, all this is our valuable cultural heritage will be found. We preserve the cultural heritage and entrust it to the new generation and use them as educational tools. People of Central Asia have been hunting since ancient times engaged. This is their ability to run, jump, climb
demanded and children from childhood, a game of rush, jamb shooting learned through The struggle for life is physical developed properties. These people fight for life moved. Kazakhs are adults with the help of games physical training in the spirit of respect and obligations to society, relatives and friends developed. National games are always a big public was important. National like archery and darts The origin of games dates back to ancient times social relations of the people in the development
a series of consistent economic activities there are samples
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