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Technical equipment in schools invokes many concerns when it comes to quality of education. Nowadays, lessons mostly need devices to cover all topic materials which significantly help students to grasp more. Consequently, students, who are provided sufficient opportunities, are more likely to perform better academically. While the observed subject of this research encounters difficulties in equipping secondary education’s institutions, consequences from that scenario affects students’ mentality to work harder for academic achievements. To fully grasp this perspective, the researcher sought quantitative and qualitative data by conducting a survey with close-ended and open-ended questions. It was handy to analyze the most evident trends in people’s opinions. As a result, it confirmed the fact that students were not satisfied with the technical conditions of their schools. In addition, they clearly expressed their discontent towards the issue’s impact on their academic excellence. All things considered, those findings imply the specific areas in terms of technical equipment that should be improved to match students’ needs. Further research should be done on a greater scale in order to combat this problem more effectively.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Ысқақов, А. (2024). english. Евразийский Научный Обзор - Международный рецензируемый мультидисциплинарный журнал., 2(2), 150–154. https://doi.org/10.63034/esr-41



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