"Education of Kazakhstani Patriotism in 4th Grade Students Through Folk Music"
Kazakhstani patriotism, Folk music, National culture, Traditions, Historical heritage, Youth education, Musical art, Patriotic education, National identity, Student educationAbstract
The rich cultural heritage of the people of Kazakhstan is reflected in its national musical art. Music is not only an art but also a mirror of our history, traditions, and culture. Every nation has its own unique musical language, style, and sound melody. The main goal of the lesson is to foster Kazakhstani patriotism through folk music among 4th-grade students. In today's time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation. Our children must develop not only knowledge but also a sense of patriotism, respecting national culture, traditions, and historical heritage. Folk music is one of the most effective means of fostering patriotism. It has the ability to touch the hearts of children and awaken love for their homeland.
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Patriotic Education of Primary School Students Through Musical Art // http://elar.uspu.ru/bitstream/uspu/3474/1/10Schelkonogova.pdf
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