How does the comparison and contrast strategy of teaching based on concepts affect the formation of the skills of defining concepts in 7th grade students?




Concept-based teaching, Mathematics education, Secondary schools, Coherent understanding, Curriculum structure


In this research, a teaching strategy based on concepts that enable students to achieve a coherent understanding is explored in the context of mathematics education in secondary schools. The curriculum provides a structured framework for delivering content in selected topics, relying on two measurement models. Typically, the provided data facilitate the formation of the student's knowledge and understanding. The student can answer questions like Who? Where? When? However, questions such as Why? How? often remain unaddressed, limiting the exploration of connections between concepts and hindering deeper comprehension. The acquired knowledge is fragmented, failing to foster the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This highlights the need for an instructional approach that promotes coherence and facilitates the development of students' analytical abilities.


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How to Cite

Kalieva, A., Khalieva, A., & Skakov, A. (2024). How does the comparison and contrast strategy of teaching based on concepts affect the formation of the skills of defining concepts in 7th grade students?. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(5).