Analysis of the Lesson on the Subject "Mother Tongue" in the Classroom: "Vowel and Consonant Sounds. The Poem 'Siylaimyn'"




1st grade, Mother Tongue, hard and soft sounds, poem, Siylaimyn, interactive methods, educational aspect, pedagogical analysis


The article analyzes the lesson on the subject "Mother Tongue" for 1st-grade students, focusing on "Vowel and Consonant Sounds. The Poem 'Siylaimyn'". During the lesson, students are introduced to the differences between hard and soft vowel sounds, and their phonemic hearing abilities and pronunciation skills are developed. The lesson also emphasizes moral values through the poem, adding a special focus on its educational aspect. The lesson was conducted using interactive methods and game-based tasks, which encouraged active participation from the students and contributed to enhancing their language skills.


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How to Cite

Bakirova , A. (2025). Analysis of the Lesson on the Subject "Mother Tongue" in the Classroom: "Vowel and Consonant Sounds. The Poem ’Siylaimyn’". Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 2000–2012.