The Formation of Adolescents as a Personality




Personality development, Psychological development, Upbringing, Adolescence, Social factors, Self-consciousness, Life experience, Personality formation, Stages of development


The formation of an individual is a continuous and complex process that is directly related to a person's psychological development, upbringing, and life experience. The development into a full personality occurs as a result of the interaction of biological, social, and psychological factors. The growth and development of the human body, its interaction with the surrounding environment, and the knowledge gained all influence personal development. The formation of an individual begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout life. In this process, education and self-development play a crucial role. Adolescence is one of the most important stages in the formation of self-consciousness. This research explores the unique features of personal development, the factors influencing it, and the main stages of an individual’s growth as a person throughout their life.


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How to Cite

Kurmanbaeva, S. (2025). The Formation of Adolescents as a Personality. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 2406–2418.