


primary school, cognitive activity, teaching methods, creativity, educational technologies, earning motivation, pedagogical strategies


This work considers pedagogical activities aimed at increasing the cognitive activity of Primary School students. Cognitive activity-involves the active participation of students in the process of obtaining knowledge, the development of thinking and achieving a high level of creativity. The work presents methods and educational technologies used to increase cognitive activity, as well as effective tools that stimulate students ' interests. Increasing the cognitive activity of students improves the quality of the educational process and strengthens their motivation to learn. The results of this study will help identify ways to improve pedagogical strategies for teachers and educational organizations.


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How to Cite

Dzhumagulova , A. (2024). IMPROVING THE COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF YOUNGER STUDENTS. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 1275–1283.