


Adaptation of preschool children, Innovative technologies, Kindergarten, Developmental tools, Emotional transition, Digital education.


This study focuses on the application of innovative technologies for the adaptation of children of the younger age group to the conditions of the kindergarten. The topicality of the topic is due to the importance of early childhood education and the need to ensure a smooth transition of children from the family environment to the educational environment. The research analyzes modern approaches and technologies that contribute to the adaptation of children, with special attention to the individual characteristics of each child. The study includes an overview of theoretical approaches to adaptation in the context of psychological development and pedagogy. Methods of digital education, game technologies, as well as innovative educational programs aimed at the social and emotional development of children are considered. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of elements of flexibility and individualization in the educational process to facilitate the adaptation of children. As part of the research, an analysis of the practical application of various innovative approaches in real conditions of kindergartens is carried out. Based on the collected data, conclusions are made about the most effective methods and technologies. In addition, the study identifies potential difficulties and problems associated with the adaptation process and offers ways to solve them. The results of the study are of interest to specialists in the field of preschool education, including teachers, psychologists, developers of educational programs, as well as parents. 

Author Biography

Gulnur Kenzhekankyzy, Second year, PhD student

Abai University,  Almaty, Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Kilybaeva, G. (2023). INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY ADAPTATION OF CHILDREN’S YOUTH GROUP AND CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN’S SCHOOL. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(1), 58–68.