


Pedagogical search, New technologies, Teaching methods, Quality of education, Critical thinking


Pedagogical scientist K. D. Ushinsky "Teacher - his knowledge only when he is constantly raising the teacher, and learning, searching even if he stops, his teachership will also be canceled" is long In my years of teaching experience, I am constantly searching I'm not tired of walking and learning. What I know sharing new pedagogical ideas with my colleagues, I am eager to learn new technologies. At present There are many different methods, but each teacher has a quality lesson what methods should be used for conducting It is better to know how to differentiate. Information communication is developed students in improving the quality of education in modern times not only aimed at education without boring, critical thinking skills should also be developed. In my experience a number of knowledge using effective methods while working with their platforms I tried to study its effectiveness. These studies are about the quality of education to increase and students' motivation to learn aimed at strengthening. Therefore, new technologies and mastering pedagogical methods of modern teachers is the main task.


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How to Cite

Bekbergen, A. (2024). GROWING INDOOR FLOWERS USING HYDROGEL. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(6), 533–538.