Linguistic, art, language, unity, differentiationAbstract
This scientific article is a literary one taught in schools the purpose of theoretical concepts and its background for differentiating the basics. In any work of art life of our people from ancient times to the present day National, which has been used with its own system worlds reflect. It is in the science of linguistics are called linguistic and cultural units. In the article in our country updated educational content in the current educational system training of visual aids in the case of implementation Linguistic and cultural foundations are reported. School competently write down the thoughts of students and verbalize them that language tools have a special place in delivery is said about. The tenth taught in schools class textbook is analyzed. Made by the learner jobs related to job types and tasks provided. Pay students to learn linguistic and cultural units the main goal is to show the meaning of our world
received. In addition, this scientific article is artistic analyzes of language tools found in works made, today's Kazakh linguistics and Kazakh The following problems of the theory of literary studies were discussed.
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