



Irrigation Efficiency, Sustainable Agriculture, Water Management, Southern Kazakhstan, Precision Irrigation Systems


This study aims to improve the efficiency of irrigated land usein the agricultural sectors of southern Kazakhstan. This region is known for its significant contribution to the nation's agricultural output. Recognizing the challenges posed by suboptimal water management practices and the increasing effects of climate change, this research takes a multidisciplinary approach to propose sustainable agricultural practices. We conducted an empirical analysis over a three-year period, comparing current irrigation techniques with the implementationa of innovative water-saving technologies. The study also evaluates the socio-economic impacts of improved irrigation practices on local farming communities. Preliminary results indicate that the use of precision irrigation systems can greatly reduce water wastage andincrease crop yields. Additionally, the research highlights the crucial role of farmer education and cooperative managementstructures in achieving sustainable water use. By combining technological advancements with community-based management,this study provides a scalable model for optimizing irrigated land use that could be replicated throughout Central Asia. The findingsaim to contribute to policy discussions on sustainable agriculture in arid regions, emphasizing the importance of tailored solutions that address both environmental and socio-economic factors.


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How to Cite

Usaeva А. (2024). ENHANCING IRRIGATED LAND USE EFFICIENCY IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN’S AGRICULTURAL SECTORS. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(6), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.63034/esr-112