



unified education, national future,, patriotism,, cultural values, personal development of the child, social harmony, education of the nation, national traditions


This scientific article discusses the importance and role of holistic education in laying the foundation for the national future. It is especially noted that the unity of the educational system is an important factor in the development of society and the preservation of the cultural values of the nation. The authors study the complex aspects of the upbringing of the nation and analyze the need for its implementation through various social institutions. The article shows that national values, patriotism, language and traditions play a special role in raising children. It is noted that the concept of holistic education, in addition to influencing the formation of the child as an individual, is the basis for social harmony in society and the cultural development of the nation. It will also discuss the need for changes in national education in accordance with modern requirements and the work and pedagogical strategies carried out in this direction.


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How to Cite

Mamytkhanova , B. (2024). UNIFIED EDUCATION-THE FUTURE OF THE NATION. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(Special Issue), 1185–1120. https://doi.org/10.63034/esr-256