



IoT Technology, Energy Management, Enterprise Energy Supply Monitoring System (EESMS), Real-time Data Collection, Predictive Analytics.


This article offers an in-depth exploration of how IoT technology can revolutionize energy management within enterprises. It provides a comprehensive elucidation of the system's architectural framework, spotlighting its innate capacity for real-time data collection, intricate analysis, and responsive control. The discussion extends to the seamless integration of IoT-enabled sensors, cutting-edge data analytics, and adaptive machine learning algorithms, all orchestrated to orchestrate optimal energy consumption strategies.A pivotal facet of this study underscores the paramount importance of sustainability and cost-effectiveness in the contemporary enterprise landscape. It underscores how the proposed IoT-based system assumes the role of a catalyst in realizing sustainability objectives. It achieves this by vigilant monitoring of energy utilization, waste minimization, and meticulous resource allocation. Moreover, this article presents a panorama of tangible outcomes by examining real-world deployments and substantiated case studies of the IoT-driven energy supply monitoring system. It effectively illustrates the multifaceted benefits, which encompass substantial energy conservation, streamlined operational efficiency, and a markedly reduced carbon footprint.In conclusion, this research accentuates the transformative potential of IoT technology in the realm of enterprise energy supply monitoring. It proffers a comprehensive, forward-looking solution for businesses to not only elevate their sustainability quotient but also optimize their operational prowess, thus contributing substantively to a greener, more efficient future.


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How to Cite

EMBERGENOV, A. (2023). ENHANCING ENTERPRISE ENERGY MANAGEMENT WITH IOT-BASED MONITORING SYSTEMS. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.63034/esr-16