critical thinking, intellectual skills, communicative approach, language skills, educational potential, foreign languageAbstract
The culture of the Turks was formed by the ancient Turkic country. It is a type of culture. Its history dates back to the 6th century
This culture, which started and became widespread in Central Asia, played an important role in the scene of modern history. The foundation of the people created and formed its identity. Its roots start from the Turks There are many similarities between the two nations. Everything Even the religion and language of the countries closely connected with the Turkic name languages are similar. Despite their similarities, they are Turkish generations of people with their peace and culture differs. Their calmness and courage special and different from representatives of other nationalities. Kazakh in the article of the nomadic people in the oral literature of the people their views, concepts and work throughout the centuries accumulated work experience is depicted in detail. Spiritual features of cultural development, language, writing, Kazakh culture beginnings, nomadic civilization, hospitality
related traditions, art related to religious concepts The nature of national games is deeply artistic and aesthetic written about the character.
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