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The technology of "Debate" in history lessons: the conditions of occurrence, the technique of conducting, educational opportunities.


  • Kamradinov Erzhan Kirkimbaevich Магистрант Южно-Казахстанского педагогического университета имени Озбекали Жанибекова, 1 курс. Шымкент, Казахстан.
  • Sugirbaeva Gulzhan Dauletbekovna Ө.Жәнібеков атынағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық универитеті



Debate Technology, Educational Pedagogy, Classroom Management, Critical Thinking, Student Engagement, Active Learning


The integration of debate as a pedagogical technology in educational settings has gained significant attention for its potential to enhance critical thinking, communication skills, and student engagement. This paper examines the historical development of the "Debate" methodology in classroom settings, focusing on the conditions that facilitated its emergence and the management techniques required for its successful implementation. It explores the educational opportunities provided by debate, including fostering a deeper understanding of subject matter, promoting active learning, and encouraging diverse perspectives. Through a comprehensive analysis of case studies and existing literature, this study identifies best practices for managing debate technology in lessons and highlights the impact of debate on student learning outcomes. The findings underscore the importance of structured debate formats, teacher facilitation, and supportive classroom environments in maximizing the educational benefits of this interactive teaching approach.


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How to Cite

Kamradinov, E., & Sugirbaeva , G. (2024). The technology of "Debate" in history lessons: the conditions of occurrence, the technique of conducting, educational opportunities. Eurasian Science Review An International Peer-Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(5), 154–160.